Rockville Police Department:
(765) 569-3431
Montezuma Police Department: (765) 245-2590
Rosedale Police Department:
(765) 548-0370
Rockville Correctional Facility:
(765) 569-3178
Indiana State Police Putnamville: (765) 653-4114
Indiana State Police Firearms Division: (317) 232-8264
Conservation Office -
Lieber Post: (765) 795-3534
Indiana Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 1-800-800-5556
Probation Office: (765) 569-3521
Clerk's Office: (765) 569-5132
License Branch: (765) 569-5205
Parke Vermillion Humane Shelter: (765) 492-3540
If you have an emergency
dial 911
An application for a handgun license can be started online at the Indiana State Police Website.
Complete the online application, provide fingerprint identification at an authorized facility (Right Choice in Terre Haute) and bring your application number to your local law enforcement agency for a background check (about seven days after your fingerprints are completed). Residents of Montezuma and Rockville must contact their local police department to complete the process. All other residents of Parke County can complete the process at the Sheriff's Office 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm.
Your application will be transferred to Indiana State Police for final review. If your application is approved, your permit will be sent to you via US Mail. If your application is rejected, you will be notified via US Mail and will receive instructions on how to file an appeal.
If you have questions you can contact the State Police Firearms Division at 317-232-8264.
Do you have unwanted or out of date prescription drugs? Flushing old prescriptions down the toilet is the worst thing you can do. The drugs could eventually end up back in the water supply. Drugs left in the home can end up in the wrong hands — children can accidentally ingest them or they may be stolen.
The Parke County Sheriff's Office has a prescription drug drop box in our lobby that you can safely and securely dispose of any unwanted drugs anytime day or night.
The Parke County Sheriff's Office is now providing title checks any day of the week. For this service call dispatch at 765-569-5413.
You can print the needed paperwork from the Indiana BMV by clicking Indiana BMV
Children under the age of one-year and less than 20 lbs. MUST be restrained in a rear-facing child safety seat.
Children that are at least one-year old and 20 lbs. may be restrained in a forward-facing child safety seat with an internal harness system.
Children at least 30 lbs. may use a booster seat, but troopers encourage parents to keep their children restrained in a forward-facing seat until at least 40 lbs.
Indiana law requires all children under the age of eight to use a child restraint system in accordance with the child restraint system manufacturer’s instruction, which are based upon the child’s height and weight. The child restraint system normally used by children in this age group is the booster seat.
All children under the age of 16 must be properly restrained either by using a seat belt or a child restraint system, to include a booster seat.
You must be 18 years old and possess a valid driver's license to operate such vehicle.
You must have a Licensed, Registered and Insured Vehicle.
Violators of this ordinance will be subjected to a fine not less than $100, not to exceed $2,500.
All ATVs purchased after 12/31/05 must be titled.
All ATVs operated on public lands must be registered; renewal is once every three years.
No one under 14 years old can operate an ATV unless on his or her parent’s land or under direct supervision of an adult 18 years of age or older.
It is legal to ride a registered ATV on Parke County roads.
All those under 18 years old to wear a helmet while riding or operating an off-road vehicle. These include ATVs, Side by Sides, Motorized Mini Bikes or Dirt Bikes and Go Karts.
On January 1, 2015, new laws went into effect regarding the licensing and registration of Motor Driven Cycles, previously referred to as mopeds and motorized bicycles.
Requirements for operating a Motor Driven Cycle (MDC):
MDC Class A: An individual must possess one of the following:
Valid driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement with an MDC -Class A restriction
Valid driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement
Valid driver’s license and a valid motorcycle learner’s permit
MDC - Class B: Must possess one of the following:
Valid driver’s license (no endorsement required)
Valid driver’s permit (no endorsement required)
Unexpired State of Indiana issued identification card with an MDC - Class B endorsement
For more information refer to the